Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Adaptive Portfolio Management using Evolutionary Algorithm Essay
Versatile Portfolio Management utilizing Evolutionary Algorithm - Essay Example Presentation: Portfolio the board is the way toward overseeing resources for example stocks, bonds, and so forth., to such an extent that an enormous come back with an okay is acquired. Estimating value developments in monetary markets is a significant piece of building portfolios. Most merchants accept that the monetary markets are not completely effective and that there exist transitory consistency, which could be abused for gathering abundance returns over the market normal [1]. Thus, numerous money related organizations have created choice emotionally supportive networks to support brokers and investigators settle on choices about portfolio the executives all the more rapidly and all the more successfully. Specialized pointers use insights to decide slants in security costs and are regularly utilized by money related markets and private brokers to help with portfolio the executives. A study of outside trade dealers in London [2] gauges that up to 90% of brokers utilize some type of specialized markers and exchanging rules their day by day exchanging. Specialized pointers expect that protections move as per patterns and examples that are proceeded over a brief timeframes until another pattern is activated by the adjustment in the economic situation. The accomplishment of specialized pointers relies upon how one deciphers the signs. Master human merchants are equipped for consolidating a few specialized pointers and exchanging rules to show up at composite techniques which are utilized in portfolio determination, execution and hazard the executives. The way toward showing up at such systems requires high understanding, skill and frequently long and cleans long periods of perception of chronicled and current market information to test and calibrate various blends of specialized pointers and exchanging rules. In spite of the fact that there are understandings that budgetary markets do some of the time show periods where certain exchanging rules work [3], it is exceptionally elusive proof that a solitary exchanging methodology can work over an all-inclusive timeframe. This can be because of the way that budgetary markets are continually developing, and that when an exchanging rule is found to work it would not take some time before it is abused until it no longer gathers a huge benefit. This powers the dealers and specialized investigator to continually make new systems or retune the current procedures with the goal that they would work under the new economic situations. The objective of my exploration is make a framework that imitates human conduct in joining a lot of straightforward standards and specialized markers to make refined exchanging methodologies. The framework at that point would continually advance those procedures or making new techniques that would adjust to changing economic situations. 2. Inspiration: In the previous quite a long while, there has been a prominent increment in the utilization of money related displaying an d advancement instruments, for example, algorithmic exchanging and mechanized portfolio the executives in monetary businesses. Notwithstanding the weight on resource the executives firms to diminish costs and keep up a progressively steady and unsurprising exhibition in the repercussions of the downturn in the world’s advertises lately, three other general patterns have added to this expansion. Initially, there has been an expansion of enthusiasm for prescient models for resource returns. Prescient models accept that it is conceivable to make restrictive gauges of future returnsâ€an target that was recently considered not feasible by old style monetary hypothesis. Second, the wide accessibility of refined and concentrated programming bundles has empowered creating and misusing
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Anthropogenic Impacts On Biodiversity Environmental Sciences Essay
The Anthropogenic Impacts On Biodiversity Environmental Sciences Essay Presentation Anthropocentrism or being Anthropogenic in nature alludes to the perspective that views people as the wellspring of all worth and is overwhelmingly worried about human interests. (Carter, N, 2003, p. 14) Biodiversity is the bounty of various species and biological systems in nature making it the earths most important asset. Biodiversity is of particularly significance as it helps the profitability of the environment where every specie, regardless of how little, all have a significant task to carry out. At the end of the day, there would be no populace of people without biodiversity yet the incongruity is that, the biodiversity is diminishing at a disturbing rate because of the different human exercises which is additionally alluded as the biodiversity emergency. The three principle factors affecting the biodiversity in general might be recorded as: populace development, overconsumption and innovation. This paper will depict how and where the biodiversity has been affected at incredible degrees on account of the previously mentioned factors. Populace development of the people can be considered as the foundation of the issue of the loss of biodiversity. As indicated by Ehrlich (The Population Bomb, 1968 as refered to in Cahn, An and OBrien, R, 1996), the human populace has been multiplying like clockwork and on the off chance that this proceeded for the following 900 years, at that point the total populace will be nothing under sixty million billion individuals inferring that there will be around 100 people for each square yard of the Earths surface, land and ocean. The human populace presently is at 6 billion; with a yearly worldwide development pace of 1.8%, three additional individuals that are added to the earth each second. (Quebec biodiversity, 1994) The basic reality that the nations can't take care of their populaces shows that they are overpopulated. With such high paces of increment in human occupants, the issue of the need to change over the normal environments to land for human utilization gets self-evident. T his eventually brings about five essential procedures of corruption in particular: over collecting, living space fracture, territory annihilation, outsider species presentation and contamination. (Biodiversity and Human Health, 2001) It is the anthropogenic idea of the people to lead the earth by spreading to new living spaces so as to discover more up to date food sources. The imaginative man has consistently been finding different sorts of advances directly from the innovation of the lance and bolt to the cutting edge innovation of the spear, explosive and the float nets pushing him to over reap on the different species. As per the Fisheries Agency, Japan devours around 60,000 tons of fish a year, for the most part the three blue blade fish species which is over 75% of the universes yearly catch and furthermore different nations, for example, the U.S. what's more, Russia, are finding the Japanese because of which the blue blade fish has been getting exceptionally elusive and the c osts for these species have hit the boundaries. (Fish Shortage in Japan, 2007) Apart from overconsumption, people have additionally been showing their anthropogenic nature by inefficient mass executes where the whole groups of certain species are butchered. A great case of this is the Dumfries fish slaughtering celebration of Scotland where people have been murdering fish in the Galloways River Urr as a piece of the Grande Internationale World Flounder Tramping Championships where the individual who catches the most number of fish by the unconventional technique for stepping on the fish is granted by giving three containers of whisky, Â £150 and furthermore the title of The Undisputed Champion Of The World. (Facebook, 2010) Also the Denmarks Gruesome Festival of mass executing dolphins and whales to demonstrate adulthood, where almost 1,000 whales and dolphins are murdered every year. (Consider it, 2009) This plainly shows the keeps an eye on abuse of the regular assets surpassing their cycling limit. Regular assets are named sustainable and non-inexhaustible assets. Timberlands and untamed life are considered as sustainable assets due to their capacity to recover by multiplication yet the rate at which people have been using the supposed characteristic assets is a significant concern. The broad utilization of timberland lands for timber and other esteemed wood assets has brought about the loss of living spaces for several species. Also, with the expansion in human occupants emerges the need to change over normal living spaces to land for progressively human utilization. The creative man has had the option to misuse the woodlands and its assets for his egotistical needs with the utilization of new machines and better methods for transport. Clearing a thick woodland has become a lot simpler at this point. People have had the option to continue their development by changing over common territories to fields where food can be created. In any event 23 percent of the earths land is being utilized for agribusiness. Most tropical woodlands were not extraordinarily upset in the past for the most part in light of their detachment and different factors yet now the pattern has been changing with the expansion in the interest for the different crude materials utilized in plastic creation. Tropical woods have been vanishing quickly because of the need of the people to account for additional ranches of timber utilized for development and furthermore utilized as a fuel. Deforestation has disturbing worldwide results, for example, eradication of species (plants and creatures) and environmental change. In spite of the fact that the tropical backwoods spread distinctly around 7 percent of the Earths dry land, they are home to half of the considerable number of species on Earth. Numerous species have miniaturized scale natural surroundings or in straightforward terms, they are available just in those little territories in these timberlands and because of this their termination is particularly in question as a result of the deforestation here. The edges of the deforested pieces dry out due to approaching hot breezes because of which the developed downpour backwoods trees bite the dust remaining at the edges and in the long run the biodiversity is lost. This additionally devastatingly affects the tropical soils as the dirt spread in the tropical downpour timberlands is exceptionally slim and with deforestation, after some time all the minerals in the dirt are lost on account of the high temperatures and overwhelming downpours. (Deforestation in the Amazon, 2010) (Tropical Deforestation, 2007) (Deforestation in the Amazon, 2010) An enormous segment of deforestation in Brazil has been essentially a direct result of land being cleared for pastureland by business and theoretical interests. Between May 2000 and August 2006, Brazil lost about 150,000 km2 of woods and more than 600,000 km2 of Amazon rainforest has been annihilated. Around 60-70 percent of deforestation in the Amazon results from steers farms and the need for palm oil while the rest for the most part results from little scope agribusiness. The quantities of jeopardized species in the backwoods of Brazil have been expanding at disturbing rates on account of the different anthropogenic exercises of the people as announced by the Associated Press. (Mongabay site, 2010) Deforestation and fracture is expanding at a disturbing rate in Amazon. In Amazon about 2 million ha of land is deforested yearly (Fearnside et al. 2005). Natural surroundings fracture is a genuine danger to animal varieties tirelessness in tropical woodlands (Ewers Didham 2006). As ind icated by Wilcox and Murphy (1985), the impacts of discontinuity are loss of unique natural surroundings, formation of edge impacts, and disconnection of environment patches and this will influence the species sythesis. As indicated by Turner and Corbett (1996), woods patches are additionally influenced by attack of further plant and creature species, and expanded human misuse, for example, chasing, consuming, touching, and extraction of assets. The best human effect in Southwest Australia has been the freeing from local vegetation for farming. Backwoods discontinuity differentially influences seed dispersal of enormous and little seeded tropical trees (Cramer et al. 2007) Due to fracture, not exclusively are singular species are influenced yet the plant-creature associations are likewise influenced (Andresen and Levey, 2004). In tropical districts, discontinuity influences the dispersal of huge seeds to a more prominent degree than the little seed. Cramer et al. (2007), contemplate d the seed dispersal of two Amazonian tree species, the huge seeded, well evolved creature scattered Duckeodendron cestroides and the little seeded, avian scattered Bocageopsis multiflora. The rate, separation and circulations of Duckeodendron cestroides seeds were completely diminished in sections when contrasted with Bocageopsis multiflora. This is upheld by realities, for example, enormous seeded plant species are inclined to termination, fracture influences huge creatures dispersers than little creature dispersers; and huge and little seeded plants are connected differentially to essential and auxiliary living spaces (Cramer et al. 2007). Enormous creatures are for required for dispersal of huge seeds, and these creatures need huge home range however are influenced by edge impacts brought about by fracture and furthermore because of chasing. Primates are frequently missing from sections (Gilbert and Setz, 2001). From Meehan et al. (2002), it is realized that the termination of f rugivorous pigeons in Tonga (Polynesia) left 18 huge seeded plant species with no dispersers. From crafted by Babweteera et al., (2007), the loss of elephants in Ugandan backwoods has left Balanites Wilsoniana recovery thought under parent plants and is incredibly influenced. Shrubbery fires have been utilized for chasing and clearing land here. Albeit local plants are exceptionally versatile to flames, heightened consuming changes the organization and state of the normal vegetation. This has brought about the spread of a root sickness called jarrah dieback brought about by the root parasite called Phytophthora cinnamomi which has been spreading to different territories, especially in the Stirling Range National Park, where it has caused the loss of plants like the Banksias. (Preservation International, 2007) The tiger populace in India is declining so quick that the entire populace might be wiped out here in the nex
Friday, August 21, 2020
The History of Presidential Salaries How Much Have U.S. Presidents Earned Through the Years
The History of Presidential Salaries How Much Have U.S. Presidents Earned Through the Years Ever dreamt of being a president of the United States? If yes, how much do you think you would earn being the leader of the world’s most powerful country?What if you had been a president a hundred years back, would you have made the same? Would you have made more or less?There are very few positions in the world, if any, that compare to being the president of the United States.The job comes with very tough decision making, extremely long hours, constant travel, and a lot of public and media scrutiny.With all this, it is not surprising that being the president comes with a hefty paycheck. However, those who run for presidency don’t do it for the salary.If anything, many of those who run for presidency have already made lots of money elsewhere, and therefore, the presidential salary is not very significant to them.Still, the presidential salary is quite a huge sum for the ordinary person.If you are wondering how much a president makes, stick with me. In this article, we’ll look a t how much the current president, Mr. Donald Trump, makes for being president, as well as what all the other presidents before him earned during their days in office.But before we learn how much the president earns, let’s first understand a few things about the presidential salary.WHO DETERMINES THE PRESIDENTIAL SALARY?The salary of the United States president is set by the Congress.The Congress also holds the responsibility of reviewing and increasing the president’s salary.This means that the president himself cannot increase his or her salary. But being the most powerful person in the country, can’t the president just influence the Congress to increase his salary?Well, the authors of the constitution probably envisioned such a scenario, and to prevent this, the United States Constitution, under Article II Section 1, states that a president’s salary cannot be increased or reduced during the president’s current term of office.This means that, even if a president somehow i nfluenced the Congress to raise his salary, he would have to wait till after the next election to start enjoying the higher salary (there is no guarantee he would still be president).Not only does this prevent the president from influencing the raising of his own salary, it also makes it impossible for Congress to influence or coerce a sitting president by altering â€" either increasing or decreasing â€" his salary.WHAT DOES THE CURRENT PRESIDENT EARN?Donald Trump, the current president of the United States earns a salary of $400,000 per year.In addition, the president also receives a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account, and a $19,000 entertainment account.The president’s salary has not always been $400,000. The $400,000 salary only became effective in January 2001.The increase came as part of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, which the 106th Congress passed during its closing days.Among the incentives for raising the preside ntial salary was the fact that with the steadily rising common cost of living, the salaries of several other federal officials were constantly being increased, and some federal officials were set to earn more than the president if nothing was done.Therefore, the 106th Congress decided to double the president’s salary. Since the changes took effect on January 2001, President George W. Bush, who took office the same year, was the first president to earn a $400,000 salary.Since the change became effective, the presidents who have earned the $400,000 salary are George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and the current president Donald Trump.HOW MUCH DID PRESIDENTS EARN BEFORE?The previous section makes it clear that United States presidents have not always earned a $400,000 salary. So, how much did they earn before?Well, before the 2001 change, the president’s salary has been increased on four more occasions. Below are some of the other times the presidential salary was increased. 1789The conce pt of the United States of America ruled by a president was introduced with the adoption of the US constitution in 1789. Under the newly adopted constitution, the salary of the president was set at $25,000.It would be another 8 decades before the Congress would raise the president’s salary. George Washington, one of the founding fathers, and the first president elected under the US constitution, also became the first president to earn the $25,000 salary.1873In 1873, 84 years after the first US president took office, the Congress decided to raise the president’s salary.Starting with Ulysses S Grant’s second term in office, the salary of the president was doubled from $25,000 to $50,000. After this, the presidential salary would remain unchanged for over three more decades.1909After 36 years, Congress once again made amendments to Article II Section 1 of the US constitution and increased the salary of the president to $75,000.These changes took effect in 1909, just as William Ho ward Taft came into office. It would be another four decades before this salary was reviewed again.1949In 1949, the presidential salary was once again increased, this time by 33 percent, taking the new presidential salary to $100,000. The new changes took effect just as Harry Truman was beginning his second term. This made Truman the first ever American president to earn a six figure salary.The $100,000 salary would remain effective for the next 20 years. Aside from Harry S. Truman, the other presidents who took home the $100,000 salary are Dwight Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson.1969In 1969, just as President Richard Nixon was taking office, the Congress once again decided to double the presidential salary from $100,000 to $200,000, making Richard Nixon the first president to pocket a $200,000 annual salary.This salary would remain in effect for slightly over 30 years. Aside from Richard Nixon, the other presidents who received the $200,000 salary include Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Bill Clinton.In 2001, the president’s salary was eventually increased from $200,000 to $400,000, which is what US presidents earn to this day.IS THAT ALL THAT PRESIDENTS MAKE?While the $400,000 figure enough to put American presidents in the top 1 percent of the highest income earners, it is just the basic salary US presidents earn for holding the position of president.Aside from this basic salary, there are other financial benefits that come with being the president. These include:A Dedicated Medical TeamThe president of the United States has an official physician, who is also the director of the White House Medical Unit.The role of the White House Medical Unit is to provide the president with comprehensive medical care as well as worldwide emergency action response. This is not only limited to the president, but to his family as well.The White House Medical Unit maintains an on-site clinic at the White House and is manned by 3 to 5 military physicians, as well as a team of nurses, medics, and medical assistants.The Director of the White House Medical Unit and some members of his staff are available to the president around the clock, whether he is at the White House or traveling on official business.Annual Expense AccountStarting in 1949, the US Congress decided that the president should also be entitled to a $50,000 annual expense account that they could use for miscellaneous expenses. The tax status of this account has changed severally.At the moment, the account is non-taxable. In most cases, the funds in the annual expense account have been used to cover the costs of meetings that do not fall within the budgets of governmental departments.Sometimes, the funds in the annual expense account do not get used or are only partially used, in which case they are given back to the treasury.Entertainment AccountWho said that you cannot have some little fun just because you are president of the most powerful countr y in the world? The president of the United States is entitled to a $19,000 entertainment. This entertainment account started during president Richard Nixon’s term in office. Initially, the entertainment account started at $12,000, but was later increased to the current $19,000. It’s good to note that these funds are not used to cater for official functions, since the State Department covers the cost of these. In addition, any performers at the White House usually do it for free.Redecoration AllowanceThe US government wants to make sure that the president and the first family feel at home at the White House, and therefore when a new president is elected, the president and his family are given $100,000 to redecorate the White House to their liking.However, the president is free to reject this money if they so wish. For instance, when former president Obama took office, he did not take the redecoration allowance. Instead, the Obamas opted to use their own funds to redecorate the W hite House.When Donald Trump took office in 2016, he reportedly spent $1.75 million to redecorate the White House and buy new furniture and wall coverings, though it is not clear whether the cost was footed by the tax payers or from his own personal accounts.DO PRESIDENTS EARN ANYTHING AFTER THEY LEAVE OFFICE?The financial perks of being president of the United States do not come to an end once one leaves office.Even after retirement, former presidents continue receiving several benefits. Some of these include:PensionUnder the Former Presidents Act, former presidents are entitled to a lifetime taxable pension. According to the Act, this pension should be equal to the annual basic pay for the heads of executive federal departments, such as Cabinet Secretaries.This amount is usually determined by Congress. At the moment, the presidential pension stands at $210,700 per year. The former president starts earning the pension the minute they officially leave office.In addition, the widows of former presidents are also entitled to an annual lifetime pension of $20,000, though they are free to waive that right if they so choose.Initially, there was some confusion as to whether presidents who resigned were also entitled to the pension.To clear the air, the Justice Department in 1974 ruled that the right to lifetime pension as well as all other benefits that former presidents are entitled to also applies to presidents who resign from office before the official expiry of their terms in office.However, a president is not entitled to these benefits if they are removed from office through impeachment.In May 2015, a bill known as the Presidential Allowance Modernization Act was introduced to Congress by Jason Chaffetz, the representative for Utah.This bill sought to delink the presidential pension from the salaries of Cabinet Secretaries and limit it (the presidential pension) to $200,000 per year.In addition, this bill also sought to reduce the presidential pension by $1 for every dollar over $400,000 that a former president earned every year from all sources.For instance, under this bill, former president Bill Clinton would not be entitled to any government pension in 2014, since he made close to $10 million from book royalties and speaking fees within that year.In January 2016, Senator Chaffetz bill was passed by the house, and later in June 2016, it was also passed by the Senate.However, in July 2016, President Obama vetoed the bill, claiming that it would impose oppressive and unreasonable burdens on former presidents.Transition ExpensesAfter leaving office, former presidents are also given funds to help facilitate and cushion their transition to private life.These funds, which are allocated by Congress, are used to cater for expenses such as office space, communication services, staff compensation, printing and postage, and so on.The transition expenses will vary from president to president. For example, when leaving office, former president Georg e W. Bush and his vice president Dan Quayle were given a transition expenses account totaling to $1.5 million.Aside from the transition expenses, which are applicable for the first six months after leaving office, the former president also continues to receive funds for an office staff. For the first 30 months after leaving office, the funds for this purpose are capped at $150,000 per year.After the first 30 months are over, the funds allocated to former presidents for staff compensation should not exceed $96,000 per year, according to the Former President’s Act. Any staff costs exceeding $96,000 per year must be paid from the former president’s personal accounts.Lifetime Protection and Medical AttentionEven after leaving office, former presidents and their spouses are entitled to receive lifetime protection from the Secret Service.If a former president passes on, their surviving spouses will continue receiving protection from the Secret Service until they remarry.If the former first family had children, the children are also entitled to protection until they reach the age of 16.While former presidents and their dependents are entitled to protection, they are also free to decline the protection if they so wish, according to legislation enacted in 1984.In addition to protection by the Secret Service, former presidents as well as their spouses, minor children and widows will continue receiving lifetime treatment in military hospitals.However, the former presidents and their dependents are still free to enroll in private health plans if they so wish, though the costs of these will not be covered by the state.Travel ExpensesIn 1968, a law was enacted that requires the General Services Administration (GSA) to provide former presidents with funds to cover travel, business and related expenses for the former president and no more than two of his or her staff members.It’s is good to note that this money does not cover travel for leisure. In order for the former president to be compensated for travel expenses, he or she must show that the travel was on official business in their capacity as a former president of the United States.Other Sources of IncomeAside from the money availed to them by the government, former presidents also have other sources of income which are related to their status as a former president of the United States.By far, the greatest source of income for former presidents comes from books deals, tours, and speaking gigs.For instance, after leaving office, former president Bill Clinton made close to $15 million in advance for the book “My Life.†Aside from what he got from the book, he also earned over $75 million from speaking gigs.Right after leaving the White House in 2001, Bill Clinton is said to have been paid $125,000 for a speech gig by the Greater Washington Association of Executives, which is a standard price for a speech from a former president.After leaving office, former president George W. Bush wrote the book “Decision Points†and made $7 million for the first 1.5 million copies.According to estimates by the Center for Public Integrity, George Bush has also brought in about $15 million from giving speeches since he stepped from office. Former president Jimmy Carter also wrote 14 books after leaving office.Before becoming president, Barack Obama wrote a book “Dreams of My Fatherâ€. Initially, the book did not bring in a significant income, but the sales kept rising as he rose higher in politics, and when he ran for president, the book started flying off the shelves.According to the New York Times, the former president and his wife Michelle Obama stand to make anywhere between $20 million and $40 million in post-presidency book contracts.PRESIDENTS WHO DID NOT TAKE A SALARYDespite the presidential salary putting presidents among the top 1 percent highest income earners in the country, and despite it being a constitutional requirement to take the presidential salary, some presi dents were not so keen about taking their salaries, opting instead to donate their salaries to charity.So far, there are four presidents who did not take their salaries. They are:Donald J. Trump: Before taking office, current president Donald Trump was already wildly wealthy. By the time he took office, he was worth $3.1 billion, according to Forbes, which was actually a decline from his $4.5 billion net worth in 2015.During his presidential campaign, Trump announced that he would only take a $1 salary since the constitution required him to take a salary. After taking office, he followed his words and has donated his $400,000 annual salary to various governmental departments.John F. Kennedy: Just like Trump, J. F. Kennedy was a very wealthy man when he took office in 1961. He came from a wealthy family worth over $1 billion at the time. Therefore, he did not really need the presidential salary to get by.During his term in office, he donated his $100,000 salary to various charities, though he kept the $50,000 annual expense account. Kennedy had also donated all his salary for all the 14 years he served in Congress.Herbert Hoover: When he took office in 1913, Hoover was worth about $4 million, which was quite a huge amount at the time (about $103 million today). Therefore, when he took office, he donated part of his $75,000 salary to various charities, while the rest he gave to his staff.George Washington: The first US president was also quite wealthy before becoming president. During his days as a military commander, he had declined taking a salary, claiming that service to the nation was enough for him.When he took office, he did not want to take a salary, but since the constitution required him to take it, he took the $25,000 salary and donated it.WRAPPING UPBeing president of the United States is a demanding position, but fortunately, it comes with an equally impressive salary of $400,000 per year.As we have seen, however, the presidential salary has not alw ays been this high.It started at $25,000 in 1789 and has been raised five times before reaching the current $400,000.With the rising cost of living and the constantly increasing salaries of other federal officials, will Congress once again increase the president’s salary?We can only wait and see.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Chapter 1 Essays - 896 Words
Chapter 1: Mesopotamia 1. In the Neolithic era, about 8000 B.C., a new civilization and culture developed. The reason for this development was the change to hunting and gathering to cultivation of agriculture that permitted man to settle down permanently ending nomadic existence. 2. The Sumerians invented the first written language called Cuneiform. 3. Polytheistic Religion is the belief in many Gods. 4. Epic of Gilgamesh was the first literary story with a protagonist with a name and personality, and earliest written record of the discovery of death 5. One of the first established codes of law was the Hammurabi. 6. Why was the Hammurabi’s Code of law so significant? Explain in your own words. It gave society rules†¦show more content†¦6. Art styles in ancient Egypt remained constant for over 2,000 years! 7. Write why you think ancient Egypt was â€Å"the gift of the Nile River†and why you think ancient Egypt had very little contact with surrounding civilization for many centuries. I believe ancient Egypt was â€Å"the gift of the Nile River†because of its location in the Sahara desert, and because of its dry location. The river provided water and soil which irrigated the Nile Delta. All farmers knew when it would flood, and prepare their fields. Ancient Egypt had very little contact with surrounding civilization for many centuries because of isolation. This kept foreign ideas and influences from disrupting their cultural balance and they were free of foreign invasion through most of their history. 8. Write a paragraph explaining how the cultural epoch theory explains the stability of Egyptian culture for over 2,000 years. What differences do you notice (in your opinion) between Egypt and the Mesopotamian civilizations of Chapter 1? Stability for the Egyptians was well kept for over 2,000 years due to the fact of how it was founded. It made societies life enjoyable, and worth living. Cultural Epoch Theory in Egypt was homogenous, which was great for all. In my opinion, the difference between Egypt and Mesopotamian civilization is that they were completely opposite. Mesopotamian’s society was not enjoyable, it was a hard life they lived, and was not welcoming.Show MoreRelatedA Chapter Of Chapter 1 : Chapter 1835 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"They’re closing in†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . Aldrick mutters as he slips the bullet into the cylinder, he always knew this day would come, but the fact they choose to strike the household at it weakest moment infuriates him. It only take two days for the news to spread, and they come like vultures seeking carrion. He took a deep breath and set the last 5 bullets into the chamber, years of serving the military had taught him not to lose his temper in situation like this. A shuffling noise caught his attention, heRead MoreChapter 11226 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Chapter 1 1. 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Some proposals give states block grants in which states get money that they can spend in any way they
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Why Americas Educational System is Failing - 1123 Words
The United States of America has placed low on the educational ladder throughout the years. The cause of such a low ranking is due to such heavy emphasis on standardized testing and not individual student achievement. Although the United States uses standardized testing as a crutch, it is not an effective measure of a student’s ability, a teacher’s competency, or a school’s proficiency. Cheating can be a common routine in a classroomâ€â€from copying work on homework to copying answers on a test. â€Å"Cheating by teachers and administrators on standardized tests is rare, and not a reason to stop testing Americas children†(Standardized Tests). This statement is proved false by the fact that thirty-seven states have been caught cheating by†¦show more content†¦By holding back accelerated students, schools are capable of outputting higher scores, while lower-scoring students are â€Å"routinely exempted from testing, or for one reason or an other, are missing a test score†(Corcoran). Standardized testing has become so important that schools are willing to hinder students that could easily advance by basically replacing those who will undoubtedly score low with someone who is ready to move on to higher studies. The nations that outperform the United Statesâ€â€Finland, Shanghai-China, South Koreaâ€â€do not place such heavy emphasis on standardized testing. â€Å"In the last few decades, U.S. and Finnish education policies have appeared to be moving in opposite directions. While U.S. public schools moved to standardized testing, Finnish schools eschewed nationwide tests to evaluate teachers, students or schools, instead relying on sample-based testing and school principals to identify potential problems†(Tung). Finnish schools are the highest ranked in the world, having ranked â€Å"sixth in math, second in science and third in reading†(Tung) while â€Å"U.S. students ranked 30th, 23rd and 17th, respectively†(Tung). Finland’s education system differs greatlyShow MoreRelatedEssay on America’s Children Deserve Charter Schools1544 Words  | 7 PagesAmerica’s education is failing, and serious reform is needed. The topic of education has been in the forefront over the last few decades. Many, including politicians have attempted to tackle what seemed to be a hopeless situation. With all the corruption and bureaucracy within the system, it is unlikely that this problem will be resolved anytime soon. However, there is hope amidst all this, and that is charter schools. Charter schools impact education by having passionate teachers who truly careRead More Public Education Essay1454 Words  | 6 Pagesissues we face as a nation. Once pronouncing the United States as a â€Å"nation at risk†, the educational institution began to implement one reform strategy after another. 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In my opinion, the single most significant problem with American public schools is the inadequate funding to impoverished schools, poor schoolsRead MoreAmeric Land Of The Free And Home1076 Words  | 5 Pagesthings. He writes about his own educational experiences, an encounter with a right-wing talk show host, companies that promote child education, and about the mistakes Presidents have made in the past that are affecting the current generation of young students. While Moore makes all of these topics entertaining to read, nothing overshadows or gets in the way of his central topic on how the government and America as a whole treats and regards the plundering education system. He lists numerous studies and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Expressionism in The Black Swan Essay - 1605 Words
The Black Swan is a psychological thriller that documents a prima ballerina’s descent into madness. Nina Sayers is a dancer at a New York City ballet company. Her mother is a very controlling, ex-ballerina whose career ended when she became pregnant with Nina. Having forced his current prima ballerina into retirement, Thomas Leroy, the companys director, is searching for someone worthy enough to play the Swan Queen in his next production. Despite his doubts about her ability to successfully dance the role of the Black Swan, he gives the role to Nina. However, Nina fears Lily is trying to steal the Swan Queen role from her especially when Leroy makes Lily Nina’s understudy. As they move further into the production, Ninas strive for†¦show more content†¦To emphasize Nina’s OCD, Aronofsky exploits sound effects. The movie opens with Nina dancing as the White Swan. The ballet cuts out and we see Nina waking up in her bed. She sits up and immediately begins s tretching and warming up her ankles to begin practice. As Nina rolls her ankles and alternates between pointing and flexing her feet, the audience can distinctly hear the crack of every bone. Stretching her ankles before getting out of bed shows her obsession, perfection will not come without constant practice in Nina’s obsessive mind. Aronofsky exploits sound here by eliminating all background noises so the only sound we hear is the repetitive cracking which sounds painful. Viewers imagine all the pain she has endured because this obsession. (Scene one) Leroy enters the studio unannounced to begin his search for the Swan Queen. He taps several girls on the shoulder and instructs that the girls he did not tap should report for their audition. Nina is first up in the audition for the role. Her White Swan is flawless but she fails to truly let go of herself when dancing the Black Swan. Thomas excuses her after Lily enters the audition late. Upon arriving home she puts her poin te shoes on and attempts to perfect her Black Swan. As she practices Fouette turns, her toe nail cracks in two. The director uses sound and camera exploitation to intensify this scene. Suddenly changing focus from slow motion of herShow MoreRelatedPsychological Analysis of Black Swan2838 Words  | 12 Pagesmovie Black Swan’ follows the story of Nina, a ballerina in a New York City ballet company whose life is completely consumed with dance. She lives with her retired ballerina mother Erica, who lives vicariously through Nina and zealously supports her daughter’s professional ambition. Nina is selected by the artistic director, Thomas Leroy, as prima ballerina for the opening production of the new season, Swan Lake. Nina has competition in a new dancer, Lily, who impresses Leroy as well. Swan Lake requiresRead MoreBiography of Christopher Bruce2260 Words  | 10 Pagesbig impact on me because of the real life issues behind it. Swansong This piece was created in 1987 and was influenced by the fate of political prisoners, the style was contemporary ballet and the prisoners movements were based on the idea of a swan. The piece is generally based around the fate of political prisoners and their need to break free. Swansong is a deliberately disturbing dance showing a victim being tortured by a variety of means, although there is no actual violence on stage. It
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Sexual and Reproductive Health in Adolescents-Myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about the Sexual and Reproductive Health in Adolescents. Answer: Introduction According to WHO, there is a need to recognize the importance of the sexual and reproductive health among the adolescents. Adolescence is the stage of life when they develop their sexuality at the age of 10-19 years. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, in developing countries about 21 million of the girls of the age 15-19 years become pregnant every year. Out of all the pregnancies, about 49% of them are unintended pregnancy. Out of all the pregnancies, about 49% of them are unintended pregnancy. During this point of time, they are extremely vulnerable to the external influences. It is the responsibility of the adults to protect them from the outside influences that are harmful. However, in a real world scenario, it is not the same. In addition, 38 million of the adolescent girls of the age 15-19 years are at a risk for pregnancy. There is lack of understanding of the specific sexual and reproductive health that challenges their needs and health outcomes. The re is sexual exploitation of the adolescents in the developing countries that leads to pregnancy among the adolescent girls resulting in teenage pregnancy, child birth, abortion and transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (Santhya Jejeebhoy, 2015). There are many barriers that restrict the adolescents from seeking the health services. There is also lack of comfort while dealing with these sensitive issues s there is emanation of values or attitudes that are grounded in ones tradition or in ones beliefs (Wamoyi et al., 2014). There is also lack of sexual education and inaccessibility of reproductive health services makes it impossible for them to seek their reproductive health needs. Sexual education in schools and communities is considered to be a sensitive issue that holds stigma in the society (Kgesten et al., 2014). This results in a condition where the young people are not able to seek the sexual and reproductive health education and the services from the community. This scenario is witnessed in the developing and low income group countries where a small proportion of the population is able to address and seek their health needs. They have inadequate knowledge about the physical and mental consequences of unprotected sex. T his results in unwanted teenage pregnancy and complications of unsafe abortion and transmission of STDs among them (Guilamo-Ramos et al., 2014). As there is prevalence of stigmatization in the society, the adolescents are unable to reveal their reproductive health problems and seek help from the healthcare services. There is also inadequate information about the reproductive health among the adolescents, stigmatization or negative attitudes of the health workers and limited access due to financial barriers (Tegegn, Yazachew Gelaw, 2016). There are healthcare obstacles like day care, lack of transportation, financial problems, stigmatization and difficulty in using the existing healthcare services in the clinics. There is lack of social support and proper care required by the adolescent girls. Prenatal care is an important aspect which aids in the prevention of potential health complications during the pregnancy and helps them to promote healthy lifestyle habits. This benefits both the mother and the infant. There are many sexual and reproductive health challenges of adolescents that have additional burdens and have psychological consequences that not only affect the well-being of the young age mothers, but, also of their children. The child bearing at the young age increases the damaging consequences of the young mothers and their infants. The adolescents are reluctant to seek the healthcare services due to many barriers like the lack of supplies, materials, equipments, packages, judgmental health workers and lack of community training in understanding and addressing the adolescent reproductive needs (Denno, Hoopes Chandra-Mouli, 2015). These consequence shows that there is a need to escalate this issue from the local to regional level to the global level so that the burden of healthcare consequences of teenage pregnancy is addressed and this is the reason for the selection of this issue. At present, there is a literature gap that is helpful in understanding the importance of the required framework for the sexual and reproductive health in adolescents. There is also lack of improved understanding of effective interventions that safeguard the sexual and reproductive health in adolescents. The aims and objectives of this systemic review are to understand the barriers and consequences of poor health outcomes in sexual and reproductive health among the adolescents. This present systemic literature review was conducted to understand the sexual and reproductive needs of the adolescents and in understanding the importance of the required framework that addresses their positive sexual and reproductive outcomes. The present research also encompasses the reproductive challenges of the adolescents and explores the importance of proper framework that is required to maintain healthy sexual and reproductive health among the adolescents (Dittus et al., 2014). Methods The systemic literature review is the appropriate research method for addressing the research aims and objectives. This kind of method relies on the existing literature, summary of the main findings, limitations and identification of the results through a wide range of studies. There is transparency and clarity in systemic literature review. Search strategy- A comprehensive literature search was conducted for the systemic literature review. The appropriate articles were searched in a wide range of biomedical databases. Peer-reviewed articles were taken and citations were taken with the help of keywords. Databases used- The databases like Medline, CINAHL, PubMed, Science Direct, Cochrane library and EMBASE were used. These databases provide extensive literature on various topics and are peer-reviewed. These databases provide recent articles from the year 2013 along with full-text articles. Keywords used- Short phrases or words were taken from the research objective that were entered for obtaining relevant information related to the research aims and objectives. The keywords that were searched were adolescents, sexual and reproductive health, reproductive health, barriers and strategies. These search items were used for the research aims and objectives. Boolean operation- These are logical terms along with search keywords that had made the research effective. This helps the research to become appropriate and give more productive results. AND and OR are the Boolean operators. Selection criteria- The systemic review was used for the data selection. The articles from the year 2013 were used for the study. Full-text articles were used for the study. Relevant articles were taken from the databases. Qualitative studies were used for the study. The full articles were selected, read and finally selected for the systemic literature review. The selected articles were used that contained importance of sexual and reproductive health of the adolescents, challenges and barriers faced by the adolescents in seeking healthcare services. All the studies were in English language taken from different countries and provided information in a generalized manner. Data extraction- For the qualitative research that was employed in the research study were appraised according to the consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ) checklist that was advantageous for the research study. The studies included both the sexual and reproductive health needs and challenges of the adolescents. Data analysis- The articles were analyzed according to the main findings and presented in the systemic form. Comparison of the main findings was included in the discussion part and also highlighted the literature gaps for future practice. Findings It has been found that often alteration in the overall environment where a female survive can ensure better outcomes on her sexual as well as reproductive health. According to the findings of Svanemyr et al (2015), it had been found that a perfect ecological framework is very important for betterment of health of girls. At individual level, strategies like empowering girls, creating safe spaces and building their individual asset is entirely important to gather knowledge about their sexual and reproductive health. At the relationship level, parental and peer support along with effective communication help in maintaining their health. At the societal level, it is important to publish laws; policies along with promoting human rights are ways so that they can have proper knowledge how to maintain their sexual and reproductive health. Germain et al. (2015) have conducted a detailed research on the effects that had on the health of the adolescent girls after the implementation of the Programme of action that was agreed by 179 countries in the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994. Though they have provided good results however, the author remarks that there should be a better framework for the Sexual and reproductive health and rights called the SRHR. He has mentioned that there gaps need to be covered, which are inequalities in access to SRH services and information, need in improvement of services to meet human rights and medical ethics standards. The third gap is the inadequate use as well as absence of accountability mechanisms which would help in solving the other two gaps mentioned (Tornello, Riskind Patterson, 2014). Woog et al. had provided a paper where she had taken the information that had been collected from survey data conducted for about 70 developing countries. Here the adolescent women have clearly stated that they require access to health services that would provide service and information on sexual and reproductive health but they face different types of barriers I utilization of essential services. Moreover they are most likely to undergo abortions from untrained providers or even self abortion. They also are unable to recognize their pregnancies unless they reach the later gestations. It has also been found that in adolescents is Asia and Africa receive no treatment at all or to obtain care from a no trained source due to sexually transmitted diseases and this number is far lesser than the adolescents of Latin America and Caribbean countries. Shiferaw, Getahun and Asres had conducted a research in the year 2013 and set up their research in secondary schools as well as preparatory school students with the help of multistage sampling and using different self administered questionnaires. From this experiment, it was understood that adolescents has a very poor communication level with their parents. Poor parental involvement is one of the main contributing factors that fail to prevent young adolescents for developing knowledge about maintaining a safe sexual life. Sequentially, failure in maintaining a good reproductive life was due to the lack of proper skills of these individuals in sexual decision making. This paper had also suggested that often lack of proper health services and different counselling programs are yet absent in spite of rising needs of the young adolescents. Moreover active participation of parents is also found to be important in this guiding period. Taffa et al had published his findings in 2017 from two surveys which have been conducted. He had given a detailed description about how lack of communication between parents and children is one of the major contributors of lack unwell reproductive health and sexual practices. The findings have said adolescents mainly in the low income and middle income countries knowledge of sexual and reproductive health is very less and not enough to reduce the chance of risk taking. Sex is hold as a cultural taboo that prevents them from discussing the concept in details with their parents. Likely their parents are also seen to have a partial knowledge about their about adolescent sexual maturation and different complications that may rise from teenage pregnancy. Therefore the author had suggested incorporation of successful Family Life Education (FLE) that would involve education for both parents and children to develop their communication skills. Discussion From the findings, it is clearly evident that lack of proper education among the young adolescents regarding the dos and donts for their sexual and reproductive health have resulted them to the exposure of different risks. These risks not only contain development of sexually transmitted diseases, but also proper use of protections, contraceptive pills and many others. In the developing countries of Asia, Africa and many others, sex is considered as a cultural taboo and therefore it is not discussed clearly (Santhya JeeJebhoy, 2015). As a result, adolescents are only found to discuss the concepts with their peers who are equally less informed. Lack of proper knowledge in sexual and reproductive health often leads them to be engaged in activities that compromises their health and mental stability. These make them exposed to risky disorders as well. Therefore, a large number of researchers are of the opinions that a proper framework here is very urgent to address the issues. it is most ly found that women face a lot of barriers in order to get access to healthcare services regarding their sexual health. Moreover a gap in knowledge is found to be one of the most important reason that leads them to be vulnerable (Schalet et al., 2014). Other researchers have stated that women often do not get equal access to many options in healthcare and therefore it is the duty of the governmental authorities to look over the issue and make arrangements that will increase the access to the healthcare services. Therefore a proper framework governing all the above mentioned issues should be addressed by the governments. Another important area that acted as a contributor to improper sexual and reproductive health is the lack of proper communication among the parents and the young adolescents (Chandramouli et al., 2015) It has been found that this lack of education often contributes to poor sexual health due to practices which are not known by young people to be harmful. The parents s hould guide the young adolescents by providing them the crucial instructions which if followed will help them to develop their reproductive and sexual health (Hindin, Christiansen Ferguson, 2013). Many researchers suggestion to involve the parents along with their children into family learning intervention program conducted by communities as well as governments would help in developing a safer environment for the young adolescents where the sexual and reproductive health of the adolescents are not compromised and they can enjoy similar human rights. Conclusion The above findings of the articles illustrated that there is a wide gap in the knowledge and information about the sexual and reproductive health among the adolescents. There is lack of education among them that expose them to many health risks. There is risk for STDs due to unprotected sex among them. In the developing countries, parents do not talk openly about the sexual and reproductive health and also the harmful consequences of unprotected sex. As a result, they discuss these topics with their peers who also have less information about this issue. They also face a lot of barriers while accessing healthcare services due to the negative attitudes and stigmatization prevailing in the society. Therefore, it is required to develop a proper framework that will address this serious issue and promote healthy sexual and reproductive health among them. Health promotion programs are also required where the parents and their children will participate together and educated about the reprodu ctive and sexual health and consequences of unprotected sex among the adolescents. Moreover, it is also required to overcome the knowledge gap via sex education in schools and communities so that they can enjoy their reproductive rights and in safeguarding their sexual and reproductive health. References Chandra-Mouli, V., Camacho, A. V., Michaud, P. A. (2013). WHO guidelines on preventing early pregnancy and poor reproductive outcomes among adolescents in developing countries. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52(5), 517-522. Denno, D. M., Hoopes, A. J., Chandra-Mouli, V. (2015). Effective strategies to provide adolescent sexual and reproductive health services and to increase demand and community support. Journal of Adolescent Health, 56(1), S22-S41. Dittus, P. J., De Rosa, C. J., Jeffries, R. A., Afifi, A. A., Cumberland, W. G., Chung, E. Q., ... Ethier, K. A. (2014). The project connect health systems intervention: Linking sexually experienced youth to sexual and reproductive health care. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(4), 528-534. Germain, A., Sen, G., Garcia-Moreno, C., Shankar, M. (2015). Advancing sexual and reproductive health and rights in low-and middle-income countries: Implications for the post-2015 global development agenda.Global public health,10(2), 137-148. Guilamo-Ramos, V., Lee, J. J., Kantor, L. M., Levine, D. S., Baum, S., Johnsen, J. (2015). Potential for using online and mobile education with parents and adolescents to impact sexual and reproductive health. Prevention Science, 16(1), 53-60. Hindin, M. J., Christiansen, C. S., Ferguson, B. J. (2013). Setting research priorities for adolescent sexual and reproductive health in low-and middle-income countries.Bulletin of the World Health Organization,91(1), 10-18. Kgesten, A., Parekh, J., Tunalp, ., Turke, S., Blum, R. W. (2014). Comprehensive adolescent health programs that include sexual and reproductive health services: a systematic review. American journal of public health, 104(12), e23-e36. Santhya, K. G., Jejeebhoy, S. J. (2015). Sexual and reproductive health and rights of adolescent girls: Evidence from low-and middle-income countries.Global Public Health,10(2), 189-221. Schalet, A. T., Santelli, J. S., Russell, S. T., Halpern, C. T., Miller, S. A., Pickering, S. S., ... Hoenig, J. M. (2014). Invited commentary: Broadening the evidence for adolescent sexual and reproductive health and education in the United States.Journal of youth and adolescence,43(10), 1595-1610. Shiferaw, K., Getahun, F., Asres, G. (2014). Assessment of adolescents communication on sexual and reproductive health matters with parents and associated factors among secondary and preparatory schools students in Debremarkos town, North West Ethiopia.Reproductive health,11(1), 2. Svanemyr, J., Amin, A., Robles, O. J., Greene, M. E. (2015). Creating an enabling environment for adolescent sexual and reproductive health: a framework and promising approaches.Journal of Adolescent Health,56(1), S7-S14. Taffa, N., Haimanot, R., Desalegn, S., Tesfaye, A., Mohammed, K. (2017). Do parents and young people communicate on sexual matters.The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (EJHD),13(3). Tegegn, A., Yazachew, M., Gelaw, Y. (2016). Reproductive health knowledge and attitude among adolescents: a community based study in Jimma Town, Southwest Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development (EJHD), 22(3). Tornello, S. L., Riskind, R. G., Patterson, C. J. (2014). Sexual orientation and sexual and reproductive health among adolescent young women in the United States. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(2), 160-168. Wamoyi, J., Mshana, G., Mongi, A., Neke, N., Kapiga, S., Changalucha, J. (2014). A review of interventions addressing structural drivers of adolescents sexual and reproductive health vulnerability in sub-Saharan Africa: implications for sexual health programming. Reproductive health, 11(1), 88. Woog, V., Singh, S., Browne, A., Philbin, J. (2015). Adolescent womens need for and use of sexual and reproductive health services in developing countries.New York: Guttmacher Institute, 1-63.
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Gay Marriages Essays (1396 words) - Baehr V. Miike,
Gay Marriages The proposed legalization of same-sex marriage is one of the most significant issues in contemporary American family law. Presently, it is one of the most vigorously advocated reforms discussed in law reviews, one of the most explosive political questions facing lawmakers, and one of the most provocative issues emerging before American courts. If same-sex marriage is legalized, it could be one of the most revolutionary policy decisions in the history of American family law. The potential consequences, positive or negative, for children, parents, same-sex couples, families, social structure, public health, and the status of women are enormous. Given the importance of the issue, the value of comprehensive debate of the reasons for and against legalizing same-sex marriage should be obvious. Marriage is much more than merely a commitment to love one another. Aside from societal and religious conventions, marriage entails legally imposed financial responsibility and legally authorized fin ancial benefits. Marriage provides automatic legal protections for the spouse, including medical visitation, succession of a deceased spouse's property, as well as pension and other rights. When two adults desire to contract in the eyes of the law, as well a perhaps promise in the eyes of the Lord and their friends and family, to be responsible for the obligations of marriage as well as to enjoy its benefits, should the law prohibit their request merely because they are of the same gender? I intend to prove that because of Article IV of the United States Constitution, there is no reason why the federal government nor any state government should restrict marriage to a predefined heterosexual relationship. Marriage has changed throughout the years. In Western law, wives are now equal rather than subordinate partners; interracial marriage is now widely accepted, both in statute and in society; and marital failure itself, rather than the fault of one partner, may be grounds for a divorce. Societal change have been felt in marriages over the past 25 years as divorce rates have increased and have been integrated into even upper class families. Proposals to legalize same-sex marriage or to enact broad domestic partnership laws are currently being promoted by gay and lesbian activists, especially in Europe and North America. The trend in western European nations during the past decade has been to increase legal aid to homosexual relations and has included marriage benefits to some same-sex couples. For example, within the past six years, three Scandinavian countries have enacted domestic partnership laws allowing same-sex couples in which at least one partner is a citizen of the specified co untry therefore allowing many benefits that heterosexual marriages are given. In the Netherlands, the Parliament is considering domestic partnership status for same-sex couples, all major political parties favor recognizing same-sex relations, and more than a dozen towns have already done so. Finland provides governmental social benefits to same-sex partners. Belgium allows gay prisoners the right to have conjugal visits from same-sex partners. An overwhelming majority of European nations have granted partial legal status to homosexual relationships. The European Parliament also has passed a resolution calling for equal rights for gays and lesbians. In the United States, efforts to legalize same-sex domestic partnership have had some, limited success. The Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. reported that by mid-1995, thirty-six municipalities, eight counties, three states, five state agencies, and two federal agencies extended some benefits to, or registered for some official purposes, same-sex domestic partnerships. In 1994, the California legislature passed a domestic partnership bill that provided official state registration of same-sex couples and provided limited marital rights and privileges relating to hospital visitation, wills and estates, and powers of attorney. While California's Governor Wilson eventually vetoed the bill, its passage by the legislature represented a notable political achievement for advocates of same-sex marriage. The most significant prospects for legalizing same-sex marriage in the near future are in Hawaii, where advocates of same-sex marriage have won a major judicial victory that could lead to the judicial legalization of same-sex marriage or to legislation authorizing same-sex domestic partnership in that state. In 1993, the Hawaii Supreme Court, in Baehr v. Lewin, vacated a state circuit court judgment dismissing same-sex marriage claims and ruled that Hawaii's marriage law allowing heterosexual, but not
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Brevity of human life Essays
Brevity of human life Essays Brevity of human life Paper Brevity of human life Paper Many of the writers in this anthology use poetry to examine the idea of the brevity of human life, but they treat this idea in very different ways. The brevity of life is a theme often explored, not only through poetry, but in day to day life. For many years people have been engaging with the idea that life is simply too short to waste, that each mans life is but a breath and in fact pales in comparison to the wonder of nature. A fine example of a poem which considers the succinctness of life is Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress. This poem straight away engages with the theme; time, and examines the brevity of human life with an argument to seize the day. The poem is written to his lover in an attempt to show her that life is too short to waste and to convince her to give up her long preserved virginity. The poem is divided into three verses: in the first verse, the poet uses hyperbole to enact the proposition that literary lovers should waste time conversing and in admiring each other in exotic surroundings; Thou by the Indian Ganges side shouldst rubies find, this, juxtaposed with Humber, in his banal hometown of Yorkshire, highlights that the narrative is in fact intended to be humorous and should not be taken wholly seriously, which is reinforced by the regular rhythm and rhyme. Marvells hyperboles gradually escalate throughout the first verse, climaxing in extravagant claims that he will love her ten years before the flood, effectively revealing to the reader that he strongly believes that time should not, and will not, limit his ability to love and be loved, and, as his hyperboles increase, so does his vegetable love. The second stanza shifts from a blazon approach to the carpe diem argument. There is a clear sense of urgency; he feels that time is constantly running out, which is signified by his lack of hyperbole, instead opting for more quick paced, uncontrived statements such as thy beauty shall no more be found, reinforcing this constant idea that each day wasted is simply one day closer to death; that they should not waste their time engaging in mere conversation, keeping her long preserved virginity when time is not on their side. Again, the image of time is present here; And yonder all before us lie Deserts of vast eternity, but rather than an idyllic life, it is a negative, lifeless eternity, this rejection of the afterlife widely represents the increasing religious scepticism at the time. The final stanza reverts back to the theme of the first, only this time referring to the incomprehensible movements of heaven, which, according to Marvell, can be changed by him and his lover, intent that they need not fall victims to the predator that is time, but instead hunt it down like amorous birds of prey. This stanza introduces the first real example of passion; And while thy willing soul transpires At every pore with instant fires, with his speech becoming much more positive and the threats of the second stanza seem to disappear, further adding to this urgent, almost frenzied, attitude; desperately trying to convince his lover that if they unite they can break through the gates of time; devouring time rather than let it devour them. The poem is written in rhyming couplets throughout, which is a key feature of the poem as it further emphasises Marvells urgency throughout the poem; trying to convince the woman he loves that, although they cannot make the sun stand still, they can indeed still make him run. Despite Marvells obvious disdain for the inevitable fact that time will eventually overcome them, he turns this around and instead uses the concept of time to praise and flatter her; A hundred years should go to praise Thine eyes, and on thy forehead gaze, Two hundred to adore each breast, But thirty thousand to the rest; An age at least to every part, And the last age should show your heart. On the surface, To His Coy Mistress could be construed as a shallow poem about a man simply trying to seduce his mistress, however, the underlying message is made clear through Marvells witty parody of conventional structure, combined with his hyperbole and imagery, that he is convincing his lover that life is short, and it is better to enjoy each day as it comes rather than let yourself fall victim to time.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Multinational running and competitive situation study of Accor SA 188 Essay
Multinational running and competitive situation study of Accor SA 188 - Essay Example hotel operation and franchising where the company aims at offering Accor experience to consumers and enhance the overall impact of the hotel’s brands. On the other hand, Hotel Invest is focussed on hotel renovation and development. Hotel Invest not only comprises owned property of the company but also leased and franchised hotels for development (Accor, 2014a). From the perspective of this paper, Accor was considered appropriate due to its ubiquitous existence in global hotel industry. The paper is mainly related to management of business in multinational companies and study of their competitive situation. Presently, the hospitality industry, especially the hotel industry is experiencing strong growth and it was ascertained that a company with global presence will justify the purpose of this paper. Another reason behind selection of Accor SA is to access the role of the international hotel brand in social responsibility and corporate citizenship. The hotel chain is unique in its offerings and is present in all the prominent continents across the world. Accor has a vast brand portfolio that comprises luxurious upscale, midscale and economy service offerings. The brands in this regard are- luxury brands: Sofitel, Pullman and MGallery, midscale brands: Novotel, Suite Novotel and Mercure and economy brands: ibis and Formula 1 (Accor, 2014b). The brands together target almost all consumers ranging from international to domestic, middle income group to elite class, tourists to businessmen and so on and so forth. The diversified offerings of the company further make it one of the leaders in the hotel industry from consumers’ view point. The majority of the hotels of Accor are present in Europe and Asia pacific, comprising about 85% of total number of hotels and resorts. It was observed that the company is involved with 194 projects in 40 countries since 2008. Presently the company has more than 3600 hotels all over the world (approximately 92 countries) and it
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
A determination on the cost efectiveness of temporary employees for a Essay
A determination on the cost efectiveness of temporary employees for a manufacturing company - Essay Example In this study, several items will be considered while analyzing the cost effectiveness of temporary workers. First, an overall analysis of the benefits as well as the drawbacks of temporary workers will be presented in comparison to the hiring of full-time employees. The presentation of this analysis will demonstrate that hiring temporary workers is, in fact, more beneficial for companies when trying to cut costs.Temporary workers allow for companies to adapt to fluctuating markets, and give them some control in an economy that has not provided much earning incentive. In order to resolve this and to adapt to changing times, temporary workers can be hired and maintained by companies for as long as needed. Skilled contingent workers are included in this study. While skilled contingent workers are often paid more than other temporary workers, and often more than full-time workers as well, their use still allows the company to save money. This is because they are usually brought on for s hort term projects, and then released when the projects are completed. The large salaries or hourly wages earned by skilled contingent workers thus will end, and the company can return to normal expenditure. There would therefore be no need to bring on another full-time employee to handle certain skilled situations that are needed for specific periods of time only, and this has helped to keep costs down for many companies. This study examined three companies throughout a one year, four quarter period. Costs were analyzed and determined as the companies transitioned into using more and more contingent workers. The results of this study demonstrate that companies achieved cost-cutting results that increased every quarter for each company that participated in the study. Therefore, this study helps to prove that temporary workers, whether skilled or not, can be used to help cut the costs of company finances. Based on the findings, it appears that the use of temporary workers does, in fa ct, cut costs for companies. Therefore, the key recommendations of this study are for companies to use temporary employees in order to save money in a worsening economy. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 3 CHAPTER I. Statement of the Problem 5 Statement of the Problem 5 Purpose of the Study 5 Research Objectives 5 II. LITERATURE REVIEW 6 Temporary Employees 6 Core Reasons and Responsibilities of the Temporary Agency 7 Core Reasons and Responsibilities of the Organization 8 Core Responsibility of the Temporary Employees 11 III. METHODOLOGY 13 IV. Data analysis 14 Who Are the Temporary Workers 14 What Jobs do Temporary Workers Perform 17 How Often Are They Used 18 Overview of the Model 20 Is Training and Hiring Employees Cost Effective 25 Company 1 - Illustration 26 Company 2 - Illustration 27 Company 3 - Illustration 27 V. Summary, CONCLUSION, Recommendations 28 VI. 28 REFERENCES 33 Refer to the Student Guide for formatting and titles of chapters, etc. Chapter 1: Statement of the Problem Due to the rise of the global economy, technological advancement and the growth of the service economy have promoted changes in the way organizations do business (Camerman, Cropanzano, & Vandenberghe, 2007). These require that business develop the ability to respond flexibly to the fast-changing environments. One such strategic decision is whether to engage temporary employ
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
An Anlysis Of The Islamic Group Hezbollah Politics Essay
An Anlysis Of The Islamic Group Hezbollah Politics Essay Hezbollah literally means the Party of God. The Lebanese Hezbollah has multiple translations including Hizbullah, Hezbullah, Hizballah, Hizbollah and Hizb Allah (as used by Al-Jazeera). It is also referred to as Islamic Jihad (Islamic Holy War) or Islamic Jihad Organization. Some call Hezbollah as Ansar al-Allah (followers of God) Al-Muqawamah al-Islamiyyah. There are references made as the Organization of the oppressed on earth, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of Right against wrong, and also as the followers of the Prophet Muhammed. Hezbollahs members often introduce themselves as the sons of the Umma (muslim community). Identity: Essentially we can call Hezbollah as a political and military organization. It was founded in 1982 to fight Israel in southern Lebanon. The group is headed by Sheik Hassan Nasrallah. The Arab Muslim world, (along with by some European Union countries) look at Hezbollah as a legitimate, militant, political party in Lebanon; while the Israeli government and many Western governments view it as an Islamic fundamentalist, or Islamist terrorist organization. As it evolved, Hezbollah outgrew its originally objectives of expelling Israel and the Americans and French from Lebonan. It diversified into various wings to establish itself as an identity of note, not only in its area of operation, but across the world. Its military men and material supply is primarily credited to Iran who is often seen as the soul behind the face of Hezbollah. In addition, it has a dominant civilian arm, wherein they run hospitals, schools, orphanages and even a television station. Finance largely comes by Iran and Syria, but it also raises funds itself by charities some commercial activities. Hezbollah has a notable representation in the Lebanese parliament. It currently holds 80 seats out of 128 in Lebanese Parliament. Prime area of operation for them is the Bekaa Valley, suburbs of Beirut, and southern Lebanon. Lebanon has a population of app. 3 million people, out of which about 40% belong to Shia community. Hezbollahs social services programme is very popular amongst Shias. Some of its propagandas have been regarded as anti-Israeli or even anti-Semitic, but it doesnt necessarily qualify it as a terrorist organisation. Prime areas of operation: In Lebonan, Hezbollah operates mainly in the Al Biqa (Bekaa Valley), along with southern suburbs of Beirut southern Lebanon. Over a period of time, it has established centres in Europe, Africa, and South North Americ etc. The training bases are mostly in Biqa Valley, while its headquarters and offices are in southern Beirut and in Baalbek. Culture: Members of Hezbollah say that their culture it is based on the Holy Koran, the Sunna and the legal rulings of the faqi (whom they call their source of imitation). Organisations strength: It is estimated that the organization has over ten thousand fighters and this can strength can be easily increased if and when needed from their reserves from its stronghold areas in Lebanon. To add to it, they have numerable activists and moral supporters. Their militia is equipped with small arms including automatic rifles, mortars, rocket grenades, and Katyusha rockets. Hezbollah member have been seen on television conducting military parades in Beirut which often include tanks and armoured personnel carriers (that might have been taken over from Lebanese army) Funding: Hezballahs primary sources of aid are from Iran and Syria. They provide sourcing in terms of finances, weapons training, explosives, and even political, diplomatic, and organizational aid. It is estimated that Iran probably provides annual assistance worth app. 50 million dollars. However, Hezbollah has the capability and willingness to act independently. Families of suicide bombers are believed to be facilitated by The Martyrs Charity (Bonyad-e Shahid). In 2001, Paraguayan police raided the home of Hezballah operative Sobhi Mahmoud Fayad and found receipts from the Martyrs Organization totalling more than three million dollars for donations Fayad sent, though the authorities believed he had sent over fifty million dollars to Hezballah since 1995. Hezbollah operates a worldwide network of fundraisers. In addition, funds are also raised by charity funds. These funds are donated by some extremist Islamic institutions while are not directly connected to Hizballah. While these funds pay for its military and terrorist operations, other funds enable them to provide its members with day jobs. History: Hezbollah had a long gestation period from its incorporation in 1982 to 1985. It was marked by 3 key events: (1) Israels occupation of southern Lebanon from and its Invasion in 1982 (2) Iranian revolutions effects on the Arabs political scenario. (3) Affirmation of the Shiite communities in 1960s 70s. Israel repeatedly invaded Lebanon since 1973. In 1982, it occupied southern Lebanon up to the capital Beirut, killings thousands. It was against the background of this brutal invasion, coupled with the arrival of foreign forces, namely, America, France Italy that Hezbollah came into picture. Its goal was simply to remove the foreigners and popularise the Islamic movement in Lebanon. If the group was not necessarily conceived by Iran, it was surely was aided in its inception by arrival of over 1000 revolutionary guards from Iran. Hezbollah cells establishing its base in Lebanon in 1982 and expanded strengthened ever since. It developed a count of about four thousand members, equipped with over eleven thousand rockets, anti-tank weapons and heavy mortars. They also established a network of social assistance, mosques and schools in southern Lebanon. During mid eighties, they launched a flurry of suicide bombings including an attack on the Americas embassy and marine base in Beirut. Members of the organisation were often responsible for kidnapping and detention of hostages in Lebanon. It gained a name for its hit run tactics. It also was particular in kidnapping of Israeli military personnel. Although, there have been accusations of carrying out attacks on civilian targets abroad, no evidence has confirmed the claims. Amongst the muslim community, Hezbollah soon received acclaim and creditability. So much so that it replaced the other prominent organization in Lebanon, namely Amal, as the dominant force. Over the years, their military operations grew to include attacking outposts, ambushing, laying explosive devices, and launching long range mortar shells and rockets at outposts. Israel eventually withdrew from Lebanon in the month of May 2000. Hezbollah made claims that a portion of land comprising of shebaa farms, golan heights and other places which lie on the Israeli side of the border were belonged to Lebanese. Though UN dismissed their claims, Hezbollah continued terror attacks on Israeli towns in order to liberate these lands and to free prisoners held by Israel. Later, they exchanged the bodies of 3 Israels kidnapped soldiers in return their prisoners. Since Israels withdrawal, the organisations focus shifted to increase and expand its activities within Israel with the objective of conducting attacks in Israels own territory, hence spoiling any attempt at talks or opportunity to return. Hezbollah has eventually stabilised the border, excluding the areas around the Shebaa Farms, which are still occupied by Israel. OBJECTIVES Hezbollah says that freedom, justice, peace and peoples rights are the values on which a society develops rises. Freedom, they say, is the key element for the rise; while rights lead to justice and it ultimately results in peace. Adoption practice of these values demand commitment and focus on all as they are all universal: freedom is not what is available to one group and denied to another, rights should be prevalent everywhere; limited justice is injustice; peace by nature has to be for all. The organisation believes divine religions are responsible for establishment of these values. They specifically credit Islam, declaring it clearest and most comprehensive be it in theory or practical concepts. It is an organisation based on striving current that has been based its struggle to achieve these values in Lebanon region while eliminating all those barriers that may obstruct their goal. Keeping in view its values of peace, Hezbollah says it rejects all forms of aggression and terrorism. They condemn worlds outlook to certain instances as accepted violence and terrorism while rejecting the counter-violence, which, they say, is a natural human reaction to violence and terrorism. Sheik Ibrahim al-Amin, the leader of Hezbollah issued their manifesto on 16th Feb 1985; it was titled An Open Letter: The Hezbollah Program. The manifesto indentified the following three primary objectives of Hezbollah: To put an end to colonialist entities in Lebanon by expelling Americans, French and their allies from their land. To submit the Phalanges to a just power and bring them all to justice for the crimes they have perpetrated against Muslims and Christians. To allow all their people to choose their own future and have a government of choice. The organisation encouraged people to incorporate Islam which guarantees justice liberty for all. They said that only an Islamic regime could stop attempts of infiltration on the country. They call all oppressed people across the world as their friends. Ones who fight their enemies defend them from their evil are its friends. They called out for their friends to overlook their different viewpoints on the methods of struggle, and on the levels on which it must be carried out, and asked them to consolidate cooperation in view of the grand purpose. Hezbollah has always had an underlying objective of spreading the message of Islam. They want all the oppressed to study the divine message in order to bring justice peace into the world. However, they claim that they dont want to impose Islam upon anybody. We dont want Islam to reign in Lebanon by force is the message. Their opposition to the then existing system is worked on two major grounds (a) They believed that no reform or modification could remedy the present regime and it demanded radical change, and (2) Hostility of the world imperialism to Islam needed correction. Another objective that Hezbollah had in their agenda was to make an impression on the minds of high percentage Christian population in the country. They advocated that the politics followed by the political chiefs through the Lebanese front and the Lebanese forces didnt guarantee peace and tranquillity to the Christians of Lebanon and it also proved that outside help was of no use to the Christians of Lebanon when they need it most. They insisted that the Christians should answer the appeal from heaven and have recourse to reason instead of arms, to persuasion instead of confessionalism. Hezbollah asked the Christians to tolerate that Muslims shared with them certain domains of government saying that if you search for justice, who is more just than Allah?. They said that it is Allah who sent the message of Islam through his successive prophets in order to judge the people and give everyone his rights. The organisation made it clear that it doesnt we anticipate vengeance against Chris tians and that their fears were unjustified. They called upon the Christians to embrace Islam so that they shall be happy in this world and the next; and asked them to open themselves up to Islam where they will find salvation and happiness upon earth and in the hereafter. Hezbollah has had rejection for both the USSR and the US, calling them both capitalist and communist, and rendering them incapable of laying the foundations for a just society. Similar were the rejections against UNIFIL calling them as messengers of world arrogance to occupy areas evacuated by Israel and serve as a buffer zone. Hezbollah repeatedly stressed on the necessity for the destruction of Israel. They saw in Israel the vanguard of the US in their Islamic world. They called them the hated enemy that must be fought until the hated ones got what they deserved. They saw it as the greatest danger to their future generations and to the destiny of their lands. The organisations primary assumption in their fight against Israel states was that the Zionist entity has been aggressive since its inception, and built on lands wrested from owners at the expense of the rights of the Muslim people. Hence, they said that their struggle will end only when this entity is obliterated. Hezbollah made it clear that they intend no treaty or cease fire or peace agreements, whether separate or consolidated. They vigorously condemned all plans for negotiation with Israel, and regarded all negotiators as enemies. Therefore they rejected all programs that included the recognition, direct or implied, of the Zionist entity. Hezbollah functioned against Israel in four main ways: (a) They brought terrorists and collaborators across the border with use of foreign documents (b) They set up a terrorist organization inside Israel and in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip (c) Promoted cross border operations like smuggling of weapons and terrorists (d) Worked on financial support for Palestinian organizations and groups. In conclusion of their objectives and conceptions Hezbollah says that these objectives serve as basis and inspire their march and ones who accept them should know that all rights belong to Allah and those who reject them, Hezbollah will be patient with them, till Allah decides between its followers and the people of injustice. HEZBOLLAH AN ISLAMIST ORGANISATION Critics across the world claim that the real reason why Hezbollah was set up was to spread the Iranian Islamic revolution into Lebanon and throughout the Arab world. Since Israeli withdrawal, organisation has continued to fight the Israeli defense forces (through its active fighting force known as the Islamic Resistance) around the disputed, Shebaa farms area. UN has regarded Shebaa farms as Syrian territory. Hezbollah still considers the area a part of Lebanon and contoues to fight for it. The Shebaa farms were overtaken by Israel from Syria during the 1967 war. Syria was asked to notify the United Nations that it considered the area to be part of Lebanon but no official statement was ever sent. As a result, most of the specialists believe that Hezbollahs attempt to recapture the area was a pretext (backed by Syria) of keeping military pressure on Israel. Hezbollahs dedication has been on liberation of Jerusalem, along with the elimination of Israel. It has openly advocated the establishment of Islamic rule in Lebanon. They are dedicated to creation of Iranian style Islamic republic in Lebanon and removal of all non-Islamic influences from area. Its approach has been strongly anti-Western and anti-Israeli. Hezbollah considers the Iranian model as best form of governance. It finds an Islamic republic as the ideal and eventual form of state and enjoys co-operation of other militant Islamic organizations in persuit this goal. Islamic Revolution in Iran, that promoted the inception of Hezbollah, consolidated new Islamic thoughts. It generalized Islamic expressions against the West, labelling them as arrogant, hypocrites and the oppressed. Hence, it was obvious for these ideologies in Iran to find place in Lebanon. It was very quickly translated into direct support from the Islamic Republic of Iran through its revolutionary guards and then to Hezbollah that was fighting the Israeli occupation. This religious and ideological tie had a great effect on generating vital material and moral support to Hezbollah. The group ideological virtues saw no legitimacy in existence of Israel; the conflict of legitimacy which was actually based on religious ideals. The seed of resistance is embedded in the ideologies of the group The US Policy makers see the party of God as the manifestation of the Islamist phenomenon. Understandably too, as Hezbollah has positioned itself as an opponent of U.S. policy in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon. It has been involved in various notorious incidents like attack on the marine barracks in killing over two hundred marines, the kidnapping of US citizens, and bombing of the embassy. It had a declared goal of removing the Americans (diplomats and otherwise) from Lebanon. Some observers think that Hezbollah has had little real support in the general population (even among the Lebanese Shii Muslims). Variations on these views can be often heard and read, especially by those whose conclusions are based on conjecture rather than field work. Reality, though, seems very different, especially when you consider the level of popular support that the organisation enjoys. There is always a temptation to dismiss Hezbollah as an extremist or terrorist group. But one cant deny the fact that the organisation has managed to build an extremely impressive social base in Lebanon. It is probably the most effective and efficient political party in the country. Across the areas of its significant presence, especially the suburbs of Beirut, the northern Beqaa valley, Baalbek, and in parts of southern Lebanon, Hezbollah provides a gamut of services. The medical facilities offered are much superior to the ones provided by government hospitals, which the poor would otherwise have to rely upon. Doctors working in their hospitals say that medical facilities are available to and are used by both Muslims and Christians. In addition, the group offers a network of schools, community centres; companies and facilities like food distribution centers for the needy. Hezbollah runs its own engineering and construction company, and has been lending material support and expertise to ones whose homes have been destroyed by Israeli attacks or during clashes within Lebanon. Regular pensions and other assistance are provided to families of martyred members of the party. What these examples reflect is that the party works on two complementary aspects. It has focus on the militant pursuit of its objectives, while simultaneously working extremely hard to build and sustain a political constituency. Last few years has seen a trend of increasing cooperation between Hezbollah and operational entities on other Palestinian terrorist organizations. This is particularly evident between Hezbollah and the Tanzim. In fact, in recent months Hezbollah has served as an external command for the Tanzim organizations in the territories. They have been enough instances for Hezbollah supporters to draw references from; for example the French resistance against the Nazis, resistance of the Americans against the colonialists etc. We know how the free world countries and the people across the world have respect for these resistances. Therefore, when Hezbollah resisted in Lebanon, it should be seen as its legitimate and sacred right, similar to that was once exercised by the French and American peoples. Considering their resistance as terrorism maybe is a kind of injustice, discrimination, besides being a renunciation of the Bill of Human rights and the Charter of the United Nations. Therefore, the organisation calls on the peoples of the world to differentiate between aggression of terrorism, and the honest resistance that they believe was the only way to deter the aggression and confront the terrorism resulting from that aggression. They claimed that Israel was an aggressive entity which practiced terrorism as occupatio n is a form of terrorism. The group advocates that it is legitimate in war to attack soldiers and shouldnt be labelled as terrorism. They say resistance of occupation is not terrorism because the occupiers are normally armed combatants. Hence, it defies the definitions of terrorism which only applies to non-combatants or to those not taking an active role part in hostilities. It is therefore not illegal to use force in resisting an occupier, provided that civilians are not made the specific object of attack. The group adheres to the creed of the Muhammadan Islam and human values emanating from it. They say that this observance is derived from ideological conviction based on proofs and evidences and not from emotional liking or sectarian, denominational or racial group spirit. Therefore, they are always ready to exchange dialogues with others about their convictions, creeds, methods and positions. They do not impose their convictions on anyone, as they do not like anyone to do so, proposing a mutual understanding with others. Hezbollah claims that it is its religious duty to considers, as its religious task, serve human beings, protect their rights, maintain their interest, make all needed efforts to provide them with a dignified life and develop their society. Keeping in view their desire to focus on fulfilling their duties toward that human being, the organisation has efficiently contributed in providing humanitarian services to the citizens in various areas of the country without discriminating one citizen from another, or one sect from another. They have made contributions in many domains; some of them being restoration of damaged buildings, providing farming guidance, selling utilities for the least cost prices (sometimes even for free), providing primary and intermediate schooling, offering the needy students with scholarships to continue their college schooling plus giving them scientific orientation, securing fresh water to the areas where the public water network fail to reach etc. Probably, the most important contribution was that Hezbollah sacrificed its own blood and lives, in order to maintain is the right of the Lebanese human beings in their land and in determining the political system they desire. Hezbollahs inception resulted in immediate formation of the Islamic resistance units for the liberation of the occupied territories and for the expulsion of the aggressive Israelis. Besides its core objective of freedom, the group has always been equally concerned about the presentation of Islam which addresses the mind, and reasons. They have been focused on presenting Islam that is confident of its fundamentals its very civilized understanding of men, life and the universe. They have made efforts to show Islam as being self-assured about its capability to achieve the basis of right and justice. They were anxious to present Islam as the religion that is open hearted towards all the nations and their varied political and cultural trends along their numerous experiences. It wants Islam to be seen as the guardian for human rights the one who defines choices, adopts convictions and expresses them socially. They decided to form political pressure in social benefits announced in the Bill of Human Rights such as education, pedagogy, medical case etc. There has been evident anxiousness to prioritize their cultural projects which utilize persuasiveness polarization by the civilized and the human methods confirmed by the Bill of the Human Rights. The group has been keen to offer a model of systematically targeting the enemy which represents a challenge / threat to the existence of the entire nation along with its regimes and people. Hezbollah members say that they condemn the conflict that doesnt serve the main aim, of fighting the enemy, or one which could create discord at the front, that has to be unified around the common interests. They have tried time and again to make it clear that the kind of Islam they want is a civilized endeavour that rejects injustice, humiliation, slavery, subjugation, colonism and blackmail, while stretching out its arms for communication among nations on the basis of mutual respect; Islam as the religion which never accepts controls or delegations by others, simply for the sake of manipulating the rights and the interests of the nation. They say they promote the religion that recommends communication among civilizations and rejects collision amongst those civilizations. An Islam that believes in cultural communication among nations, and refuses setting up barriers and also sees it as its right to remove those barriers by the diplomatic means is what Hezbollah advocates. But they say, when others launch wars against it, they believe it is their natural right to defend its representing supporters and their achievements. Hezbollah wants people to see Islam a a message that aims at establishing justice, security, peace and rights for all people irrespective of the nation, race or religion they belong. They say that they dont have any complex toward anybody, but they feel its their responsibility toward others to make others understand the essence of their religion away from obligation and fanaticism. It doesnt seek application of Islam by force or violence but by peaceful political action. They insist that Islam rejects violence as a mean to gain Power, and this formula should be adopted by the non-islamists as well. They say if Islam becomes the choice of the majority then they will apply it; else, they will continue to coexist and discuss till correct beliefs are reached
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